Tuesday, April 27, 2010


My computer always opens MSN when I open my internet and these two articals have come up the last few times and caught my attention. I really liked them so i thought id share.

This one is about Nohas Arc

This one is about Steven Hawkings

Dead Week

Even though we are in "dead week," i know of three students who have tests this week regardless of the ideas behind the week.

Many students have become upset with their teachers because they are angry at their students for doing so bad on tests and the things that take place during finals week.

The point of dead week is to not have any homework and to study for exams. These exams are the things we have been working for all year and it seems that we don't have time to study for them with the quiz's and other homework we get assigned during this time.

I also know of plenty of students who's teachers cancel class for the week so that there students can study.

Dead week is for studying. Not for homework. If this is not what teachers are going by then we might as well move finals week up and get done a week early.

These are the things that people said to me while i sat in the cafeteria and talked to them about there finals. Hopefully the teachers will listen to there students eventually and change up some of there habits. Dead week...please be a good one!


Sorry for the lateness on my video!

Had problems with my computer earlier

Also sorry bout the face! lol

Thursday, April 22, 2010


For one of my classes this week, my teacher decided that we all needed to watch the movie "Memento." Mind you, this movie is played backwards so it took me awhile to understand everything.
Needless to say, the main character, Lenoard, has a memory problem. His wife was raped and murdered and in his attempt to save her was hit on the head, loosing his short term memory. Everything starts with a scene, and then plays what has happened before it. This way you see the effects of things but it keeps you surprised. So far you know who killed his wife, but not how he got there, what the facts are or how things have unfolded to bring him to the killer.
Ill finish the movie tomorrow and i want to tell you all about it but know its better seen then explained.

I hope you see this movie

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Book Review-Raquel Welch: Beyond the Clevege

This is Jo Raquel Tejada. Also known as Raquel Welch. All of her life she has lived behind her big hair, makeup, high heals and clevege.
In Miss Raquels new book "beyond the clevege" she explains to the world what its like to live beyond the beauty and the kind of life a movie star leads with two children breaking into the business.

The book is fabulous becuase it explains all of her highs and lows. It sheds light onto her struggles with life and the hardest choices she ever made.

I recomend people read the book because it gives people another look at movie stars. She is one of the oldest and truley beautiful people of her generation that still shines through. She worked for her money and nothing was ever handed to her. She is not like the other so called "celeberties" that roam hollywood these days. She is a true hollywood star.

This video of Miss Raquel was taken shortly after her film of 100 BC left theaters. At this time she was 20 years old, a single mother with 2 kids, and no money in her pocket. She is now 70 years old and looks 50.
She came from nothing to achieve everything. That is what makes her and her book so worth reading.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tom (Final)

Ever since I was a child, my father and my grandfather have always been like superman. I never once saw them cry, fall down and rock themselves, or beg for the mothers. Instead I saw them yell profanity, put duck tap on something or simply “power through.”

When my sister came back for her spring break she told me something that I never really thought I would hear. “Grandpa Tom has cancer,” she said almost without flinching. She had time to absorb the information before she told me and it was more of a kick in the face then anything. To me I could help but start to cry. My grandfather and I have always been close, I know he’s only human, but when you’re a child, they really are Superman.

This past weekend I decided to come home and see my family. Sitting there with my family I realized for the first time what it meant to cherish loved ones. When I was 14 my mother was diagnosed with MS or Multiple Sclerosis. Back then I knew my mother would be ok. Growing up I had seen her fall to pieces, call her own mother for advice and weep when the tears needed to fall. I knew that she was only human. Five years later I can say that my mother is MS free and helping other MS people as well. Yet that was the difference.

As I sat with my parents and grandparents, I couldn’t help but look at Tom and see the fear on his face. To see a man of that stature and grace seem too small and frail really took me back. It was at this moment that I started to question the concepts of maturity that girls and boys face when growing up. My mother let me cry when I needed to when I was young. My father however would tell me never to cry because it makes you look weak. Men it seems grow up with the mindset that babies cry, not boys, not men. Women however cry in movies, books, songs, etc. So I couldn’t help but see the correlation between it all when watching my grandfather sit there.

All of my life Tom has been that echo in the back of my head telling me to do better be better, and act stronger. Just like my father, Tom was the male figure who reminded me that life is only so long, that one day all of this will be lost forever. I know he told me that a hundred times, but as he sat there knowing that he was now a number like all the other cancer patients of the world, I’m not sure he believed his own logic.

As I hugged my grandparent’s goodbye after dinner that night, my heart sank a little. I know Tom will fight for his life to the very end. He’s been fighting for things harder than anyone I know. Yet I know, like most people, most humans, we can only fight so long.

Since I heard the news I’ve done my best to ask how he’s doing every day. I am not by any means giving up on Tom, because I know he has yet to give up on himself. I just know that if one day the fight gives out on him the world will be a little less bright.

To each lesson we are faced with, we are to learn. Through each of our heartache, we are to love, with each death we are to live.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I never understood the concept of Prom. To me, it was just one more excuse to find an acceptable place to grind your butt on however many men you can find. And vise-verse. I was never a fan of homecoming or winter ball but the rest of the world seemed to love them. I always found it funny how you get all dolled up in your new dress and shoes. Eat a nice dinner with friends or a date. And hug your parents goodbye as you head off for the dance. Only to come back a hot mess.

As prom gets closer for my high school I can only laugh at all of my guy friends who say they would rather die then go to prom or another dance. I cant really blame them. One of my best friends who is a senior this year asked if I would go to prom with him. I just looked at him and laughed. No i said. I would be fine not experiencing hell again.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weapons of Mass Distruction

President Barack Obama's pledge to one day rid the world of nuclear weapons runs up against global realities this week when representatives from 47 countries try to craft an agreement on keeping nuclear weapons out of terrorist hands.

As much of the world knows Iran and North Korea are not allowed to build WMD as agreed under Bushes presidency. Yet Iran's perceived attempts to build a nuclear weapon in violation of the global Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and North Korea's nuclear weapons stockpile and exports of nuclear materials and technology has become a red flag for the United Sates.

The President has promised many things during his term and people are starting to question him. I am curious as to how he plans to hold the promise to stop the production of nuclear weapons when many others before him have tried and failed.

Obama invited the swarm of world leaders as an important step to intensify global focus on one of the most serious nuclear threats: a world in which non-state actors, like the al-Qaida terrorist organizations, obtain nuclear materials.

If Obama wants to change the threat of weapons he needs to find out who is selling them the materials or where they are getting any of there supplies from and shut down the trade. Are military can go in time and time again but unless they find the real problem, it will only keep getting bigger.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Oldies-Three Dog Night

Growing up my family has always been about sharing the past with the present. If you were to turn on 98.9 or any other "Oldies" radio station, I'm positive that i would know the words to every song and who sings it. Because of this exposure to oldies music from my parents i was so excited when "Three Dog Night" came to Grand Island.
The concert was so good, and they sounded amazing. One of the lead singers stopped at one point at told the audience that this was the first time that all of them had been together on the same stage in over 40 years. They played there popular music and some of the songs that were never released. The concert was perfect except for one small thing. The audience.

Granted i knew going to it that i was going to be one of the youngest people there but i had no idea that "older folks" could get so...nasty. I have never seen old people dumb and grind, or that many at one place. It was very disturbing.

Yet besides the crazy messy dancing, flying beer, and screaming, that concert was very well put together. They played the music and entertained the audience like they would have back in the prime (the 60-70s).

They are the kind of band that's music will forever live through history as "rememberal" tunes. Songs like "One, Black and White, Momma told me not to come, Never been to Spain, and An old fashioned love song."

If you don't know there music, take the time to go back through history and understand why they made that older generation feel like they were back in the 70s.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


When you sit alone, you begin to hear the things that you other wise wouldn't have listened to. Its in those moments that i am able to really look at myself and reflect on who i am. When i sit alone the voices of intuition, doubt, and hope come forward. Its an interesting thing really.
Ever since i came to school Ive been amazed at how many people don't listen to the voices of intuition and instead turn to other people. If you really want the answers to your personal question turn inward and look and you'll be amazed at how you know the right answers.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter-Final Draft

When it comes to Holidays people seem to have no problem celebrating them no matter what religion they are. As Easter Sunday came and went, I decided it was time to ask my own mother about the concept of Easter and the ideas behind religion. For my family, being Catholic, I never branched off into exploring the ideas and concepts behind other religions. You forget sometimes that people don’t view the world the same way as you.
Easter Sunday represents the foundational claim of Christian faith, the highest day of the Christian year as celebration of Jesus' resurrection. But many Christians are unsure what the claim that Jesus had been raised to new life after being crucified actually means—while non-Christians often find the whole idea of resurrection bemusing and even ridiculous.
Yet how can people not find the Easter holiday ridiculous. Where on earth did the idea of a Bunny delivering eggs come from?? Chickens lay eggs not bunnies. Yet like most holidays, some happy go lucky character delivers presents to the children of the earth and they wake up to find colored eggs hidden around there home. Along with those beautiful eggs are chocolate bunnies, peeps, and other crazy assortments. So like I said before how can it not be considered ridiculous?
I will admit, this Easter, once again, my mother woke me up and told me the Easter bunny had come to our house. I really did wonder how much longer I could get her to do that. I looked around the house, found my eggs, and ate the breakfast she made for me. Yet as I sat and talked with my parents I realized that all my life that was how it had been. Easter consisted of candy. Growing up no one ever sat down and explained the concept behind Easter, so like me, thousands of other children woke up Easter morning and went searching. Not for the truth but for eggs. I wonder if they too will one day question the fundamentals of Easter and the world like I have so many times over.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Russ and Nancy

On Monday nights i have meetings for my house and this Monday it was a PACE meeting. This means that i was supposed to bring in someone to talk and inform the girls about information. I brought in my parents. I had them talk to the girls about interviews and how to dress in the situation. The girls loved it. My parents were funny and they had a blast. I had no idea that my parents could be like that to be honest. Both of my parents opened the own business and the told the girls all the tips they needed for the interviews. Alto of the girls were motivated by there speech and asked me to bring them back.
Growing up in that house i never thought that people didn't think like my family did. When i watched those girls i couldn't help but smile and think that i was so proud of my parents. They even asked me later (the girls) if they would come back. Because of this they are coming back again next week. I'm proud to share my parents with people and the things that they have to offer. I'm glad I'm there daughter.


For me, this year has flown by. Since i first arrived at Kearney a week ahead of everyone else for RUSH, i have loved the being here. For many of us we cannot wait for summer to come take us away from school in a matter of 4 weeks. I'm very excited for summer to come but i know i will miss Kearney very much. I will miss the girls and all the crazy late night antics that seem to happen before you know it. I know i will see a lot of my friends but i cant help but think of all the things that will change next year when i come back. So many things will change along with peoples habits and peoples ideas. I will miss the seniors and i will miss the people that move out. Yet change is unavoidable and the new things that come into play will bring in a new life to the girls that RUSH for 2010. I'm excited about the future but i think I'm more scared. Ill wish for the best.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


When the credits started to roll at the end of the movie of Network, i was very upset with the ending. I don't really know how i expected it to end but the ending diffidently caught me by surprise. Faye Dunaway who had the leading lady roll was, i must say, i complete bitch. However I do believe that Howard's character was amazing. He had a beautiful personality which lit up the screen with each take. Yet it was almost expected that his character would die from the beginning. Each characters endings were almost predicted ahead of time. You knew from the first time Max and Diana were in the same room that there relationship was going to end in disaster. You knew that the CEOS and TV writers jobs were at risk and they would end up doing anything drastic. After Howard was fired you knew that his life was slowly going in a downward spiral and would end in death. Yet you kept hoping, like in all of the movie scripts that there would be a happy ending.
Like most people who watch TV shows we know that the movie will start somewhat happy, have a tragic accident, and end in happy bliss. So when we watched a movie that started sad, had several tragic accidents, a love affair, no happy parts, and a death. For many of us, or maybe just me, it pissed me off. I love happy endings like any Disney baby would, so I wanted to protest during class and ask to see the REAL ending.
Yet i did not because i knew that this was the real ending. Not every story concludes with "they lived happily ever after." So i will leave the story with its crappy ending and tragedy so that, for others, they can enjoy it. For many this end was probably very suitable and likable, but i was not one of them.
I am as Howard said, attached to the tube and believe that happy endings do happen. Silly me...

The Tale of Two Sisters

Since i was little my mother always taught my sister and i, to watch out for each other. She knew that because we were sisters we would always have each other. So unlike most siblings we became best friends. Since my sisters graduation three years ago she has moved to Boston and is attending Wellesley College, an all girls school. My sister always felt the need to prove herself to my parents, as well has prove her independence. The move was good thing for her. Yet for me, it was hard. For 18 years i wok up everyday and went to bed knowing my best friend would be there in the room next to me tomorrow. Since her move i have seen her grow, learn, and become one of the most amazing people I've had the pleasure to meet.
Her spring break is after UNK's so she decided to come home, see her parents and come up to UNK for the weekend. I have had Morgan here before but each time I'm equally as excited. Since are worlds our worlds are so far apart, whenever we get together we cant wait to share are new stories with one another. Shes met my friends, seen what my friends are like, and has opened up to the idea of Greek life. Yet my sister and don't agree on one things. Boys
Since her move to Boston she has had an on and off again romance with a boy from MIT. His name is Taylor. Taylor, in my opinion long stream of bad words id rather not repeat. Like any relationship he has played stupid mind games with her and led her on. They stopped talking for a year.
Then about a month ago Morgan calls me to tell me she has a boyfriend. "Its um...Taylor." I almost lost it to say the least. For me this meant that my sister was once again with the man that i hated. Yet she assured me that things would be different this time around and that. So like my mother taught me I respected my sisters wishes and agreed not to talk shit every time she spoke his name. Despite my love for her and respect for choices, i cant help but disagree with her choices, kinda like she would for mine. So how do you tell your sister that shes dating a complete idiot who will only break her heart and leave her a mess, without sounding like our mother?

The F-Bomb

As many of you know, the Healthcare bill was passed this week due to the chicken shit money grobling politicians that are supposed to vote for what the STATE wants not what THEY want, or how much money they will get out of it. Regardless, as vic president Joe Biden introduced the President he gave him a man hug smiled and said, "this is a big fucking deal." People were shocked by this. I was not. Incase no one as has noticed, Biden doesnt do speaking campaings anymore. Why? becuase hes not smart enough to keep his mouth shut and not say stupid things. Here is the clip of him being...well, a fucken idiot.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Old Times

Since Ive been home Ive noticed a few things that have changed. One would be the green grass trying to come through as spring approaches, Two how much the town has changed and the roads seem to be worse, and Three how much people changed and don't change.
When i was in high school i was the first one to be ready to walk away from all of the people i graduated with and never look back. I was perfectly happy with the idea of never seeing them again. Most of my high school friends ventured off to Lincoln and i was happy with the go the opposite direction to Kearney. Then over spring break i agreed to see my friend Alaina for coffee and ran into another mutual friend from high school that i had known for a long time, Eryn. As i sat and talked to the girls i was amazed at how much life had changed them and molded them into the people they were. Eryn had become much more daring and courageous, while Alaina had put up the walls to the world that everything was fine. Knowing both of them as well as i do it wasn't hard to see the difference in either of them and all i could do was smile. They decided that we needed to hang out for St. Patricks day and I agreed. I spent that night with friends from school that i was very happy never looking back on and i was very surprised at how much i loved being around them again. To me it was like being in high school again, in a way it was fun to laugh and talk about the new stories we had to share with each other. So when I left are gathering i called my best friend/boy friend Zach.
I talked to him about my night and was sad that he hadn't been there. I talked to him about my feelings towards my friends and why i felt so utterly confused about life after seeing them. He laughed and reminded me that its natural to feel confused or afraid of life. We talked about were life was going for the two of us and how it was different from everyone else. I came to the conclusion that before I know it ill be 20, so will my friends. Before i know it one of them will be married, one of them will go to jail, and one of them might die. Before i know it, life will change and there is nothing any of us can do about it. Its part of there lives and part of there paths. I hope that each of the them stays out of trouble. The good old times will always be fun to look back and talk about but the process of moving on, growing up and living your life meeting new people is the real joy in life. I wish them all the best of luck in there New times.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Column One-Ralph

My great grandmother is 98 years old and currently lives at one of Kearney’s Catholic nursing homes. Last thanksgiving I went with my family to see her for the first time in months and we sat with her as she ate her lunch. As the lunch crowd rolled in, a short bald man was wheeled to are table. He looked tired, like death was knocking at his door and he was going to answer any minute. Yet as we opened his eyes and looked around a smile bloomed across his face and his eyes began to sparkle. It was on this day that i met one of the most extraordinary people I’ve had the pleasure to meet. His name was Ralph. Even though Ralph had just turned 91, he had only been living in the home for 6 months, before that he lived at home with a nurse. As I started to talk and get to know him I was amazed by the stories he told. In are day and age Ralph would have been known as a player, he was only married once but lived freely through his young age and chose not to have any children. He went to hundreds of dances and informed me that when he lived in California he was involved with some pretty naughty things. I didn’t ask for details. He asked my sister if she was married or if she wanted to be to him probably ten times while we were there, he also told my aunt that he would like to ride her, but then decided it was better if they forgot he ever made that remark. Compared to many of the people in the home, Ralph was full of life. He loved the company of younger people and cherished every moment he had with us.

It wasn’t until I sat down to play the piano for my grandmother that I realized how lonely Ralph was. I started to play a song, and a few seconds into it I heard Ralph singing along. When I was done and returned to my seat, he was crying. It was after this moment that Ralph opened up to me and told me about how he used to play the trumpet, all the artists he met down in Memphis and the concerts he had been to. As I got up leave with my family I promised Ralph I would be back again. And I did, I came back once more with my grandma for my great grandmothers birthday. I immediately went and found Ralph. He reminded me while I was there that he didn’t have a lot of time left and after you come to the homes like these it’s all downhill. I did my best to reassure him but we both knew he was right. I promised him I would bring my sorority sister by to meet him and spend the afternoon with him. It was a promise I never kept to Ralph. On Thursday after class my mother called me to tell me that Ralph had passed away. I wanted to cry. When I called my grandma to tell her, she only sighed and gave me a piece of advice. “Hope, don’t take anything in this world for granted, when you’re young, time is on your side. You forget that not everyone has that. Each moment is precious and you only get to live in that moment once. He came into your life for a reason. Figure out why he was there.” I sat with this page for hours, blank, trying to figure out what to say about the man that had touched me so much, and that I hardly knew. Finally as I started to write I realized what that was.

My whole life I have been living for the future. Living for what was going to happen. I was always trying to speed up time, to race ahead of the clock to see what was on the other side. I never once lived in the moment. If I could take anything from meeting Ralph it is this. Life is happening now. Tomorrow will be whatever it will be whether your there to rush it along or not. Live for the moments because they are what really matter. It’s really the only thing you have in this life. When I return to Kearney after Spring break I plan on going and visiting Ralph’s stone. Ill thank him for everything he taught me in are short time together and pray that he’s off playing and singing with the angles.

People like Ralph are scattered among are lives to remind us to stop and smell the roses, because of Ralph I will do that. Because of Ralph I will remember each day why im here in this moment and not trying to jump ahead to the future.
So to Mr. Ralph, one of the funniest, kindest men I have had the pleasure to meet. Thank you for reminding me what life is truly about. I hope that I to can touch someone someday the way you have touched me, rest in peace.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

From the childhood story of Alice and Wonderland comes Tim Burtons version of the cartoon in a movie based form. Many people are very exctied to see it, inculding myself, others are not so sure. Two of my friends told me this moring that it had a good ending but defedintly wasnt what they expected. The story doesnt fallow the orginal outline, but anymore does it ever?

Some say it was terrible some say it was great...i guess only a trip to the theater will tell..


If anyone is a Star Trek fan then they know this introduction that started every episode of the Next Generation series. "To seek out new life and new civilizations," this line reminded me of are guest speaker who came and talked to us Tuesday during class. He truly has an amazing story and will have an incredible life. Yet i got me thinking about Star Trek, we are always exploring the earth but we have yet to go into space. Our society has yet to send a ship capable of carrying human life into space. With all of are technology we are able to detect hundreds of other galaxies in the universe, how in the world could we ever really believe that we are the only ones out there? Also if there are other species of life in the universe why haven't they found us yet? Or if they have, communicated with us? Life is a beautiful thing, and if there is other life out there, i hope I'm around to see it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Mouse

Like the story we read in class today i have an animal that i need to get rid of and have no idea who to go about doing that. Right when we got back from spring break there was a mouse cage in the PFM. I walked past it at least 12 times before i noticed some boys looking to kill the mouse. So having the big heart i do i saved him.....and hes been in my room ever sence.
Dont get me wrong hes a great mouse, he cute, doesnt make much noise, and sleeps all the time. Except at night time. There is a wheel in his cage that he believes he has to run in from 8pm to 7am and the thing makes ALOT of noise. Jess and i have had are fill and now i have no idea what to do with him. If i take him to the pet store they will sell him as food so i cant willingly send him to his death. I cant set him free in the wild because he was born and raised in a pet store. So im told.
No one has even been looking for him. It more or less seems that someone dropped him off and hoped that a sweet girl like me would pick him up.
I need advice. Please let me know what i should do with this mouse

PS. his name is Wheatley

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Emo Screamo

Can i just say that i hate Emo Screamo music?!
I mean don't get me wrong, I'm open to every type of music, but how is that really considered music? All you hear is noise. Its loud music that is turned up so high you cant even hear the vocals. Not that you'd want to. The vocals are only someone screaming into a microphone for 3 minutes and you just want to put them out of the misery.
That is not music.

Special Days

In 11 days something "special will happen. Its one day out of the year that is the most special of all. To one person. It’s a day when you are supposed to change, grow, and have learned from the year before. Yet on this day I don’t believe I will feel any different then I did a year ago. On Friday, March 13 1991, I was born, and on this day I am supposed to remember everything that the last 19 years have done for me.
I never really stop to think that is has been a whole year except for my birthday and new years. It’s really the only time people stop and reflect. So as 11 days comes crawling up, imp starting to think about everything vie done. What were the goals I had set to have done by this time next year? Even though birthdays are 24 hours, the same length as every day, it feels like the shortest 24 hours of your life.
In 11 days I will be a year older then what I was last year and now 19 years old. Even though birthdays are supposed to be fun I almost find it sad. I don’t really like the idea of growing up, never have. Yet imp a very impatient person. Growing up I always wanted to do things now. I wanted my life to start now, wanted to go, to travel, to dream. Still, my parents held me back reminding me that when I am grown up, I can do all those things just fine.
So here’s the real test, here I am, no longer a teenager, not yet considered an adult, and I have one year tell I’m 20 to figure out what it means to me to be an adult. I have amazing dreams for my life, and I do believe that 19 is a good year to start some of the more "ridiculous" ones that are now or never. Wish me luck.

11 days and counting

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Dead Bill

In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Ellis Henican interviewed Joe Biden about the "dead" health care plan. During every question Biden cut off Henican or started to move on to a different topic every time he started to feel trapped. He even said the world Nimrod and that he would even throw Ellis under the bus. During his next interview with two women, Margaret Hoover and . I believe that he was a complete idiot on TV he sounded very up professional and diffidently not like the Vic President of the United States. He sounded like a school boy who was sitting in the principal’s office denying everything bad that he did at recess. He covered everything tonight, things from the death of a trainer at sea world, to tiger words, to the bill. May I please say again that he sounds sooooo stupid! I cannot believe we voted him as are vice president.

Three men were killed by a man named Ramos in San Francisco and Biden had the nerve to say that it was ok that bill was dropped and stopped himself from saying Bulls***. Now that pot is legal in California Biden decided to cover that issue as well. He even said that if people on the news came in high we would have no anchors. He did not make a good impression to me so I can’t imagine he did on many Americans tonight.

Yet the part that leaves me the most upset from tonight’s talks and the meeting with congress today is the comment Obama made if we don’t agree on this bill we will just have to live with the choices that are made for us. WTF!? What happened to freedom of rights?

Why did we vote these people in to office? The brits say god help the queen….I say god help the Americans!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Frats-Animal House

I love the movie Animal House. Its hysterically funny and keeps the viewer glued to the screen. The only problem with the movie is that it gives Fraternities a bad name. It makes the viewers believe that all frats are drunken stupid idiots. I wont lie some are, and some are not. Since being at Kearney Ive gotten to know many Sig Eps and Pikes who are two of the largest frats on campus. Most of the men are hard working school devoted individuals seeking a higher education just like the rest of us. The only difference is that they live in a house.
Yet despite all of the good things that these two houses have shown me, i couldnt for the life of me convince a fellow friend that he should think about joining one. He said that he didn't like the stereo types and didnt want to deal with the drama. Yet your going to find that every where you go in life. Despite the disgusting and vulgar things that are done by the frat members in Animal House, it was only a movie. A movie designed to poke fun at the hilarious rumors that go around about houses such as theirs.
I was glad to know when i asked a few Sig Eps at the beginning of the year about hazing, that it was not practice on Kearney campus. They said that it was not necessary and that it would result in a elimination of there house. Its like a family, a group you can go to know matter what when you need help with things, and for some people that means the world.
So to any skeptics, i promise the frats on kearney campus are not like animal house, some are crazy, some study hard, and some know how to keep the balance. Either way dont judge a book by its cover tell you've read the storyand all it has to offer.

St Particks Day

Saint Patrick’s Day is an annual feast day that celebrates Saint Patrick. He was the most commonly recognized of the patron saint of Ireland and the holiday is celebrated on March 17.
For Ireland this is a national holiday. It’s a bank holiday in North Ireland and public holiday in the Republic of Ireland. It has even become a holiday in Montserrat, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, and the United States. Celebrations are generally themed around all things Irish and, by association, the color green.
Yet in the United States we don’t seem to celebrate this day the same. For many Americans it’s a day to wear green and drink ALOT of beer. One of the most common things that I hear of for college students on St Patrick’s Day is the past time of taking shots to the ever famous movie, Boondock Saints. This movie is about two Irish brothers who believe they have received a message from god to kill all the bad people in their city. They are very vulgar and violent but it seems that every two minutes the "F word" is said. So for my college going students they take advantage of this word and take a shot every time they hear the world. The funny part is that during one part "Rocco" says the F word probably 16 times before he realizes what’s going on. I believe that even though it’s a fast and very effective way to get drunk, why is it that we celebrate St Patrick’s Day in such a manner? Why it that this became part of was are holiday for St Paddy? He must have been a great man if we drink in his honor every year. Wonder what he would think if he knew this was how he was celebrated.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wind Energy Final Draft

For years people have been looking for better ways to fuel society. Whether that be with cars, trains, or another type of transportation. The most recent new "fuel" is the idea of eclectic cars that has grown in popularity over the last decade. Yet there is another energy source coming onto the market called Wind Energy. The final two sessions at the 2009 Wind Power convention in Kearney were on maximizing the economic benefits of wind energy development in Nebraska and bringing wind manufacturing and jobs to the state. If this goes through wind energy development can create 840 to 1,580 jobs in Nebraska in the next 40 years. Wind energy is the fastest-growing energy technology in the country and wind manufacturing expands by 30 percent to 40 percent annually. On example of a Nebraskan using Wing Energy is Kevin Strudthoff. Sturdthoff is president and CEO of Katana Summit LLC in Columbus, which employs 104 Nebraskans. The company manufactures large steel towers that wind energy generators sit atop.
If Kearney were to bring Wind Energy to the city it would drastically change how the city worked. It’s a cleaner more effective way to power schools, homes, factories, etc. Not only would it be more effective it would bring jobs to the city that we may have otherwise never had. It would be a good idea for the city of Kearney and the environment as a whole. As a city we should way the cost benefits with other companies, towns, plants etc who have also switched over to Wind Energy. If the new source of energy would be beneficial in the long run, yet have a high cost attached, we would have to ask ourselves if the price tag was worth it for the future of our town. The town of Kearney is small enough that there is plenty of room between ours and the next neighboring town for us to have Windmills out in the country like the ones down the interstate like on the way to Omaha NE. If we want a greener, healthier world for are children we have to act now. There are only so many tomorrows and one day the damage will be so bad that nothing we are cable of will be able to reverse the damage. If we bring wind energy to Kearney NE it would bring new jobs, and more money to the town. How could something that helps are children and even their children, be wrong?

If this goes through wind energy development can create 840 to 1,580 jobs in Nebraska in the next 40 years. Wind energy is the fastest-growing energy technology in the country and wind manufacturing expands by 30 percent to 40 percent annually.

The final two sessions at the 2009 Wind Power convention in Kearney were on maximizing the economic benefits of wind energy development in Nebraska and bringing wind manufacturing and jobs to the state.

Omaha World Hearld
Merrick Machine Company

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wind Energy

For years people have been looking for better ways to fuel society. Whether that be with cars, trains, or another type of transportation. The most recent new "fuel" is the idea of eclectic cars that has grown in popularity over the last decade. Yet there is another energy source coming onto the market called Wind Energy.
The final two sessions at the 2009 Wind Power convention in Kearney were on maximizing the economic benefits of wind energy development in Nebraska and bringing wind manufacturing and jobs to the state. If this goes through wind energy development can create 840 to 1,580 jobs in Nebraska in the next 40 years. Wind energy is the fastest-growing energy technology in the country and wind manufacturing expands by 30 percent to 40 percent annually.
On example of a Nebraskan using Wing Energy is Kevin Strudthoff. Sturdthoff is president and CEO of Katana Summit LLC in Columbus, which employs 104 Nebraskans. The company manufactures large steel towers that wind energy generators sit atop. Another Nebraskan trying to get Wind Energy off the ground is the factories of Triad Plastics and Merrick Machine Company in Alda NE. The company is run by my father and grandfather, Russ and Rick Merrick. This past year in 2009 they have sold 10 windmills around the state and in others. They use the mill, that they manufactured, outside of the building to generate all the electricity and power that runs the plants. I've seen firsthand what the Wind Energy is capable of.
If Kearney were to bring Wind Energy to the city it would drastically change how the city worked. It’s a cleaner more effective way to power schools, homes, factories, etc. Not only would it be more effective it would bring jobs to the city that we may have otherwise never had. It would be a good idea for the city of Kearney and the environment as a whole.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To be Nothing

Here in this place, it holds memories.
Here is where writers create the lives that actors live
It holds the sands of time, the beginning and the end and in itself- it holds life
This unmistakable, undeniable virtue that comes forward is a breath of fresh air.
Yet in that air we take in Pandora’s box- we feel that chaos and destruction yet in our own human way we envy the process of it- to be so…free.
Freedom is such a funny concept that we’ve been fighting for in the name of god, religion and the Queen.
Yet this place holds all of that. It’s been a million things- only to be nothing
This place built on the ideas of love and philosophy- but to what degree?
This place built for us sits alone
A waiting the day when Julius Caesar, King William the 3rd or any other noble wise man graces it with its presents.
On this stage that lights will glisten like the thousand stars reflecting from the sea. Yet here in it is everything so it can be nothing.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jess 2-birthdays

It is 11:25 and jess and i cant sleep. I asked her what was on her mind and she went off about the concept of birthdays. "its just a reminder of you being older and you should act older-it sucks" Jess said.
We agreed that after your 21 (legal drinking age) you should really stop celebrating them. We all know when the new year comes that you've survived another year on earth and that life will move on. So wouldn't it make sense to stop celebrating them?
Another thought is that we only celebrate them for the gift factor. Its an excuse to buy things and boost the crappy economy. That along with Christmas, Valentines day, Halloween, Fourth of July and Saint Patricks day. Each day- and most for that matter- is designed in a way that convinces a customer to buy a product, that without, would mean you weren't celebrating right. So what does a birthday really mean? Does it mean buy me a gift? give me things for free? bake me a cake with candles and let me make a fool of myself? Or does it actually mean something special. Anymore- it seems more about the material things.
What would happen if we celebrated birthdays without gifts, if we did it unmatericalistic. We would celebrate the person, celebrate there life. We would tell them how much we loved them, why we cared and what there plans were until there next birthday. The gift of time is much more precious then a toy there only gonna love for a year.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Two Front Teeth

I view myself as a very peaceful person. I love almost everything and I'm never the one to say "I hate something." Almost. Yet through all my love I can say that i HATE the dentist. When i was five I knocked out my two front teeth, on the 4th of July. Ever since that day I have never had good luck when it came to seeing my dentist. Dr. Lofgreen is his name and since i was 12 ive adressed him as Lof. I dont think he minds. Even though I am very respectful to him i deeply hate him for all the things he's put me through in the name of perfect smile. Let me name them...
5-I knocked out my two fronth teeth
7-I had 3 teeth pulled and my two front teeth just started to grow back in
12-Braces (2 1/2 years)
Head Gear
Perminate retainers
Two more teeth pulled
14-Chipped my front tooth
15-Braces again for 6 months
18-Wisdom teeth pulled
Chipped the SAME front tooth again
You see I have a love/hate relationship with Dr.Lofgreen. When i went in to have my widsom teeth pulled i was also infromed that i have had 11 teeth pulled after that day. It made me want to cry.

My mother tells me that when I went in to have my two front teeth pulled i was a child from hell. I screamed the whole time. Mind you that i couldn't feel a thing but it was scared out of my mind. I bit my Dentist to. He retired a month after that. Then just my luck Dr. Lofgreen became my dentist. I did my best to try and make him miserable but to my shigrin he stuck around.
Then during high school i met a boy named Kevin in my show choir group. I found out two years later that he was infact Dr. Logreens nephew. I did my best not to talk about my disgust for his uncle.
No matter how old i get or what happens to my teeth I will always hate going to the Dentist. Their just like Hospitals.
So to Dr. Logreen, you are an excellent dentist, but stay away from my teeth.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Final Draft-New Drinking Ruels

As the children of the 20th century we've never let no stand in are way. As children of the 20th century we are trying to find are place in this world by whatever means necessary. We range in age from 16 to 20and we believe that we are invincible. We, the children, will break laws; do stupid acts of "heroism" all in the name of who we are, even if this means having a beer or two.
As with any generation, drinking has long been seen as almost a rite of passage with many college students. Drinking one might say, brings us closer, allows us to forget are troublesome lives and express ourselves without the fear of judgment from others. Then we wake up from are drunken state and think what a great night. We’re sorry Cinderella; some fairy tales don't have a happy ending. For those of us who are brave enough, or drunk enough to drive while intoxicated, the results don’t always end in are favor.
When the clock strikes midnight Cinderella must depart, and if your lucky prince charming who has been downing the Champaign will drive you home, and if you’re really lucky you and prince charming can pick up a DUI or an MIP all before the last bell strikes twelve. Anymore the children of the 20th century wear their MIPs like "badges of honor." Between 4,700 people a year age 21 and younger dies from alcohol related causes. Teen drivers 16-19 represent 7 percent of all licensed drivers yet account for 16 percent of the accidents where alcohol is involved. How can we, the children of the new generation, be proud of something as terrible as that? We are raging out of control and generations before us are taking control. A bill is being passed that would take a minors in possessions license for 60 to 90 days for a first offense and six months for a permit of license, with another six months for a second offense. These numbers go hand in hand with the results of 16-19 minors involved in alcohol related motor vehicle crashes totaling in 37.2 million dollars. How could we ever consider it "worth it" after the new rules would pass? Are generation would slowly start to straighten up and take a new look at what it met to find are place.
We know it’s wrong to drink underage, yet how could we help it? Prince charming looked so cool drinking his beer in the corner of the room with his other prince friends. Yet it only takes one of us. Only one from are generation to either mess things up or get things right. If this bill passes Cinderella would diffidently think twice before going home with Prince charming over even drinking at all. If not...I hope the ball was worth it.

1. Minor in possession would lose their driver’s licenses for 60 to 90 days for a first offense and for at least six months for their permit of license, with another six-month delay for a second offense.
2. About 4,700 people a year age 21 and younger die from alcohol related causes.
3. Drivers age 16-19 represent 7 percent of all licensed drivers yet account for 16 percent of the accidents where alcohol was a factor.
4. 16- 19 involved in alcohol related motor vehicle crashes was 37.2 million

World-Herald Editorial: Underage drinking legislation is sensible. 3, February 2010.

My Momma

For many of the people who watch the Super Bowl, it’s all about the football. Yet for many others like me, we watch for the half time and the commercials. My favorite commercial this year was the one with the little boy and the boyfriend. I thought that this commercial was very well written to get the audience’s attention. It keeps the men involved tuned with the beautiful women that comes in right away. Then it keeps it connected to the screen as you watch her walk away and you wonder were the scene is going to go. Unexpected to a lot of us her five year old son slaps the boyfriend and puts him in his place. "Don't touch my momma and don't touch my Doritos." This line made me laugh and made me remember this commercial out of all the rest. Then to top it off you hear the mother ask if Jaylen is "playing nice." That last line was the sinker for me because it made the 30 second blip that much funnier. I believed that this was a great advertising campaign for the product and that id made a lasting impression this year during the Super Bowl.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

New Drinking Rules

A week ago the Omaha World-Herald published an article about underage drinking and the new bill looking to be passed in Nebraska. The bill would remind minors about the consequences and dangers of underage drinking. Legislative Bill 258 is read as such. "Nebraska youths convicted of minor in possession would lose their driver’s licenses for 60 to 90 days for a first offense and for at least six months for a second conviction. MIP offenders not yet old enough to drive would have to wait six months for their permit or license, with another six-month delay for a second offense." To me this means that underage drinking has become an even larger problem for kids in Nebraska. You don’t have to look hard to see the results of underage drinking. Each year, alcohol-related accidents claim the lives of thousands of young adults across the country. The Centers for Disease Control reports that about 4,700 people a year age 21 and younger die from alcohol-related causes. According to the Nebraska Office of Highway Safety, teen drivers ages 16-19 represent 7 percent of all licensed drivers yet account for 16 percent of the accidents where alcohol was a factor. Yet even with this new rule one has to ask if it'll really make a difference. In today society no matter how old you are, drinking is considered cool. If we really want to fix the problem we have to change the way are culture looks at alcohol consumption. This new bill may do its best to keep minors from drinking but I believe in the long run it will not have the desired effect that many people would hope for. I agree with the idea of the bill but not he concepts. I believe it will not work and a new idea needs to be looked at. Drinking is a tough subject for many people so if this bill is to work parents, and minors need to change their ways as an example to others before they can ever hope for any real change.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Broken Hearts

There’s nothing in the world quiet like a broken heart. It’s the type of thing that leaves you breathless. No matter how old you are, or how much you've learned, broken hearts always hurt the same. My first broken heart came when I was 15 and my dog of 13 years named KC died. It was the first time I'd lost something dear to my heart. It still hurts when I think of her. My second broken heart came when I was 17 and my boyfriend of two years and I broke up. I may have been young but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. My mother told me that broken hearts were natural, that everyone has them at some point in their life. I didn’t believe her then, but I know better now. At the time it was the worst feeling id ever felt. I became overwhelmed by the emotion and it took me in a very bad direction. I didn’t talk to anyone about the feelings but people could see how much it was affecting me. It wasn’t until I started spending time with another boy 6 months later that brought me out of my bad time. I’m still seeing him to this day, three years later. The one thing that kept me somewhat sane in all of the chaos was my writing. Even though the writing was never very positive it was a way to organize my thoughts that kept me so occupied. I didn’t talk to my broken heart for almost five years, and then a week ago he called me. Are talk was great, it was the first time I was able to open up and tell him all the things I wanted to all those years ago. We laughed about everything and left nothing off the table. When I hung up the phone I knew that we wouldn’t talk for awhile like before but that was ok. I know in my heart I will always care for him but it took my heart a very long time to heal after him and I would never go down that road with him again. He will always be my best friend in many ways and I owe him so much.
After are talk I started to think about the concept of broken hearts and what it meant to me and other people. The dictionary definition of a broken heart is the following-despair; disillusionment; devastating sorrow, esp. from disappointment in love. Even though all these words hold true they don’t even begin to touch on the actual feeling and process. I asked a friend what her first broken heart felt like, she smiled before she began. "I didn’t eat for awhile, I just wasn’t hungry anymore. I didn’t sleep very well and I cried allot. The crying was the worst part." I asked her again what it felt like and she said she really couldn’t explain it but she would never in a million years be able to forget the feelings. I started to wonder how this felt for boys then. Where the feelings the same? Does it hurt just as bad? Girls really can’t help but put their emotions out there for the world to see, it’s hard for us. Yet with men, they always seem fine. They never show that there hurt or that they feel alone. We spend so much time after a broken heart trying to get the other people to think were ok when the story about the pain is still just as strong as it was yesterday. So then I asked, who would I be without my story. Who would I be if I didn’t have this story in my head? Happy, I would be happy. I had to question every aspect of my story to figure out what was really true. That was the hardest part, yet after I read through all the lines of my "story" I was left with one line, the most important part of the story. Only I can make myself happy. I had never thought about things that way before and for the first time in a very long time I was able to let go of all my stories and be free to start over and live my life. A broken heart may hurt and take the wind out of your sails but it doesn’t mean it’s the end. It only means you have a beautiful opportunity to start over, and that ladies and gentleman is the most amazing part of it all.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


I watched Jess blow dry her hair, put on makeup and get "all dolled up" so she could go to work. This was something I had watched her do a hundred times and never thought anything of it until today. As I watched her, I noticed something. Even though she was beautiful without the makeup she still put it on and hair sprayed her poof to make her hair "perfect." I asked Jess why she did all of it. She only shrugged and said because she looked better with it on then not. This got me thinking.
For years women have done things to enhance there appearance so that men will find them more "attractive." We buy creams, lotions, cancellers, blushes, eye shadows, mascara, eyeliner, and sprays. All in the name of looking better. Men don’t do this. They step out of the shower towel try their hair and walk out the door. Imagine how much money women would save if they didn’t buy hundreds of beauty products for their hair and there face. Imagine how different things would be. If we did things so the same caliber as men, if we honestly put as much time into are appearance as they did then would be taken more seriously, or less?
The real question I guess is why do we do it? Why do we put that much effort into something that most men don’t even notice? The only ones that notice are makeup and are fancy shoes... are other women. Where did this obsession with looking good for men start? The only reason we still try to do all of these things is because society tells us to. In the commercials, in the magazine adds, and in the movies. Women have been "dolling up" for years. It's seen in the history books and in other societies, but why? Where did the idea come from? Why don’t men partake in this beauty ritual as well? What if the roles were reversed? How would men be treated? Would women’s rolls in society be different? The men vs. women dilemma has been a long time controversy with power. I wish for a day the rolls could be reversed and I could see how different are lives would be.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Energy Drinks

When it comes to students and their drinks, we get whatever we can to stay awake and keep ourselves on top of our game for class, dates, and homework. For some people coffee doesn’t kick in fast enough or last long enough so they have turned to energy drinks. One of the most popular of these is the drink called "Rock Star" that was introduced about 4 years ago. Since then it has landed in vending machines and schools all over the country. Many energy drinks have a very high percentage of carbohydrates that can make it more difficult for food and nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines. In some cases, gastrointestinal problems and distress are a possibility. This side effect is one reason why these energy drinks are not as good for athletes as they are purported to be.
For people like me who have "heart murmurs" coffee, pop, and energy drinks are things that affect my heart greatly. When you take products like this it causes your body to speed up and pump the blood faster through your body in an unnatural way. This can cause serious health problems.
When an energy drink has a high sugar content, it can have a laxative effect, as well as causing a sudden "crash" when the sugar leaves the bloodstream and the energy high disappears. Clearly, the energy-producing ingredients in the energy drinks result in a desired effect: a stimulation of the nervous system that can also cause changes in neurotransmitters, making people feel more energized. However, if caffeine is the ingredient primarily responsible for creating this energy high, drinkers should be aware that high levels of caffeine can have both laxative and diuretic effects. There are even things in the drinks that boost your immune system, improve memory, burn fats, and calm the body at the same time. All of this is done unnaturally and can be very harmful to the body.
So if we know that energy drinks cause all these bad symptoms then why do we take them? Why do we always seem to be attacked to that which is the worst for us? People have even posted questions on the web about the effects of drinking 5 and in an hour. In a YouTube video with Dr Whiting he talks about the effects of energy drinks. If you search through YouTube you start to see all the bad videos about these drinks. The more you learn about it the more you see the side effects. So this once again makes me ask why? Why would you put this into your body? To me, it’s only about a step away from doing drugs.


Ground Hogs Day

Throughout history it seems that when someone comes up with a brilliant idea...it’s usually a copy from somewhere else. This is true about Ground Hogs Day.
The holiday, which began as a Pennsylvanian German custom in southeastern and central Pennsylvania in the 18th and 19th centuries, has its origins in ancient European weather lore, wherein a badger or sacred bear is the prognosticator as opposed to a groundhog. The holiday also bears some similarities to the medieval Catholic holiday of Candlemas. It also bears similarities to the Pagan festival of Imbolc, the seasonal turning point of the Celtic calendar, which is celebrated on February 1 and also involves weather prognostication.Modern customs of the holiday involve celebrations where early morning festivals are held to watch the groundhog emerging from its burrow.
In southeastern Pennsylvania the people celebrate Ground Hogs Day differently. This day is an event where food is served, speeches are made, and plays are preformed. During the even only Pennsylvania German dialect is allowed to be spoken. If any English is said then that person must pay a nickel, dime, or quarter per word in English.
The Actual holiday has been celebrated since 1886 and takes place in Lancaster County, Schuylkill County, Sinnamahoning Valley, and Bucks County. It’s gone as far as to become the official holiday for the University of Dallas in Irving Texas. The day became even more popular when the movie "Groundhog Day" was mad in the early 90's.
It’s a silly theory really. Every February 2nd people gather around the chosen Groundhog and wait for him to tell us if there will be six more weeks of winter. If he crawls out of his hole and continues forward to search for food then it means winter is over. If he turns around and crawls back in, then winter continues. What animal wouldn’t run back to its hole when 100's of people are staring at you? I don’t remember a year when are trusted Groundhog haven’t retreated back to the hole. Since 1999 to 2010 the name, prediction and location of the groundhog has been kept on record. How can the groundhog in Charlotte NC, and the one in Holtsville NY, say two different things? One says winter hey one says early spring.
I mean come on how can you trust a groundhog named "General Beauregard Lee" to tell you if you should buy more firewood for your home?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Final Editorial

We live in a world where power is everything, where freedom is everything. Yet in are world today we are starting to see things differently. Since the current election of the new president, are world has become a like a main event at a carnival. Like at any good carnival, it is designed to make people laugh. When our political and economic standing came to a crash, we became the laughing stock of the show.

We live in a world full of false promise. Since the day Obama took office he has promised us reform, hope, structure, and peace. We have yet to see this. We have begun to question the ring leader who has promised us the show of a life time, and has yet to deliver.

We live in a world full of hope. We watch as his promises of a new health care plan is lighten up in lights at the carnival, only to have the current pulled back to show us a show that’s not everything its hyped up to be. We have been hoping for so much more. We believed that there could be more.

We live in a world of fear. As the ring leader tries to recover his faulty promise of a good show we start to see his true colors. In the new plan everyone will have to serve in the military for two years in a foreign country. This puts fear in people’s hearts. This is not the show they wanted to see.

We live in a world full of lies. We are starting to see that we only looked at the picture of the show before we walked inside the tent. This show is not what we wanted. No one has yet to read Obama’s entire health care plan. Every time congress votes, he adds more pages. One part of the plan gives Obama all of congresses power. Did they skip this page? I hope not.

We live in a world full of uncertainty. We walk out of the show wishing that it could have been better, wondering what to do now. The ring leader only smiles, wave’s goodbye, and encourages us to come again. We are pulled into a promise that in the end we never received. If we agree to a health care plan that no one will read fully, that no one cares to understand, then why should we vote for something that we know nothing about.

We want to live in a world where we are safe. Where we know we will have are basic freedoms. We want a world where the government stays out of our lives. We ask only for the comfort of respect and honesty. We don’t want the government to decide are lives. We want to live are own.

We should always question that which others except.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Celebrity deaths

When someone is famous they almost seem unreal to most of us. Since there people we only see on magazine covers or in movies we don’t think twice about them going to the store, picking up their kids, or going to a movie like you and me. It seems even more unreal with a celebrity passes away. In the last decade more than a dozen celebrities have died due to some sort of illness, accident, or drug related problem. Among these recent deaths are…

Brittany Murphy (Dec 20, 09)- died from cardiac arrest
Anna Nicole Smith (Feb 8, 2007)- died from drug intoxication
David Carradine (Jun 4, 09)- died from autoerotic fatality
John Ritter (Sep 11, 03)- died from aortic dissection from with a congenital heart defect
Dale Earnhardt (2001)- died from in a driving accident
Tim Russert (Jun 13, 08)- died from a heart attack
George Carlin (Jun 22, 08)- died from a heart attack
Christopher Reeve (Oct 10, 04)- died from complications with paralysis
Dudley Moore (Mar 27, 02)- died from Pneumonia
Steve Irwin (Sep 4, 06)- died from a swimming accident with Sting Rays
Billy Mays (Jun 28, 09)- died from heart disease and cocaine use

Yet out of all these deaths two hit my generation that hardest. Those were the deaths the two incredibly talented entertainers Michael Jackson and Heath Ledger. Jackson passed away from heart failure, while Ledger passed away from a drug overdose. Both of these men died without warning before the release of their greatest works. Jackson died for the start of his final tour, while Ledger died before the release of his block buster release “The Dark Night.”
In an interview with Jackie O’Brian (20) on Michael Jackson’s death she had this to say. “I was truly unprepared to hear the news. No one wants to hear that someone they admired or grew up listening to with your parents has passed away. Even though you didn’t know them personally it still makes an impact of your life. His music was amazing and I’m going to miss his work and his crazy antics very much.” Even through all the court cases, entertaining music videos, and rumors of “Never Land Ranch” we loved watching is life. I believe we will all miss the entertainer the most though. He brought us so much joy through his music. When asked about Heath Ledger, Zach Shultz (18) had this to say. “I really didn’t know what to think when I heard Heath Ledger had passes away. I think my sister cried. I remember thinking about his upcoming movie, all the ones he’d done, and his family. We forget they actually have lives to you know? Some people say that his character in the Dark Night, the Joker, sort of took him over. They say he got lost in his characters darkness. If this is true I feel bad that no one was there to help him out of it. He was a great actor.”
Sometimes it seems that in death, we remember why we loved people so much. We forget all the bad things that happened, all the problems they had, and we focus on the person they were. It’s a shame we don’t do that while there alive.

Friday, January 29, 2010


There is a girl my house who is emotionally cheating on her boyfriend. Some people say that because she isn’t hooking up with physically that it isn’t cheating. I disagree. In an interview with some friends I asked them the following questions...

Why do people cheat?
They aren’t happy but they get benefits from being with that person

What classifies cheating?
Emotionally spending time with someone as well as being physical.

How long would you be willing to cheat if your partner never found out?
Most people cheat until they’re sick of that person and then move onto another

What would you do if you found out you were cheated on?
Most people lose their trust after a cheat. After this lie you don’t know what else they could/ have been lying about.

Why do girls cheat with boys when they know he has a girlfriend?
Most girls cheat because they want to feel loved. If he can love his girlfriend it means that maybe he can love her to. Maybe she’s better then the girlfriend.

Why are some couples ok with cheating as long as they don’t talk about it?
This means that you can have different experiences but still come home or call someone you love at the end of the night.

To me cheating never seem to be black and white. If you cheat you cheat. There is no middle ground. I've been cheated on plenty of times and have learned to move on. In my opinion if someone cheats on you it means there not secure enough with themselves to be in a relationship. Most people think that the others persons cheating because your not pretty enough, good looking enough, fun enough, tough, spontaneous, etc. but this usually isn’t the case. If you aren’t enough of something for someone they will break up with you. Not cheat. When girls cheat is usually because they are looking to see if men are still attracted to them. If there still beautiful. When men cheat it’s because they are always on a chase. There always looking. Younger men seem to never know what they have and therefore never settle down until it’s with someone they don’t truly love. Cheating just seem to make things complicated.
When it comes to the girl in my house who is emotionally cheating, i hope she finds what she really wants before she loses the amazing man that she has.
No matter what your definition of cheating is I hope you remember how much it sucks to be cheated on and decide against it if you have the option.

Health Care-ruff editorail information

How much do we know about Obamas health care plan? I’m guessing not much.
Small business owners and their works are starting to question the new proposals from President Obama Wednesday. It seemed that during his State of the Union Address most of his new ideas were met with skepticism instead of support. He said his plan would help small business owners with credit, taxes, hiring. The only real positive thing that came from this promise was the elimination of capital gains taxes for small businesses. The president also wants to take money repaid by Wall Street banks and use it for community banks as capital. Some small business owners know better than to jump the gun on good news. They know that even though it sounds promising its only short term. The people will come back to work for a time but many employers will take advantage of such situations. When the credit goes, the employees go to.
From this promise with small businesses Obamas stated that his health care plan would help also help these people and not leave them to fail under the weight of the economy.
This was not true.
Health care reform is a scary thing for small businesses. You'd be better off with tax credits and investments. Let me remind you a small business includes a company with 200 people of less. If health care takes place they will be forced to hire fewer people. This doesn’t seem like it’s going in the direction Obama just promised.
Has anyone even read his health care plan? Does anyone even know what it talks about? I’ll give you a few hints...
6 months ago when the hype of the health care plan first reached the American public my grandfather called my house. He’s an incredibly intelligent man who like many Americans runs a small business with my father. He has never been a fan of Obama and sees how much his new plan could crush entrepreneurs such as himself. After a brief phone call my father printed off an email and sat down with me and my sister. "This is Obamas knew health care plan. Your grandpa just got done reading it. He thought there were some things in here you two should know. Two things stuck with me from that email. One- every American citizen from the ages of 18-45 has to enlist in two years military service. This does not include the training years. All the enlistees have to serve in different country for those two years- this means men and women both have to enlist-it is now mandatory. Second-It states that Congress will willingly give all of its governmental powers to the President.
Because of this many people have posted things onto YouTube about the deadly back story of who actually is in charge of our government.
Here are two links that I believe you should watch.



Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The quality of our food...

As many people on UNK know Chartwells caters to all the students on campus. This includes the cafeterias at URN, URS, and the Union. The claim is that the food at Chartwells is good for us. They have a variety of foods for the students to select from and it’s always made “fresh.” From my experience at UNK this is not the case. So far this year at URN our cafeteria has been closed twice. In the middle of the semester are food was coming out cold, moldy, uncooked and unappealing. After several calls into change the food, it was finally closed down for two weeks. A month later the same thing took place and the cafeteria was once again closed. Every day the same food seems to be served- salad, mash potatoes, french-fries, cookies, grilled cheese, chicken sandwiches, cereal, soup, and ice cream. The food never changes and is never fresh. It’s like eating fast food every day, and it’s grows.
To me the food should be cooked with fresh foods, and made fresh daily. Most of the food is delivered frozen or ready to cook. None of it is made fresh or from scratch. This bothers me. In a world where people are becoming more and more over weight you would believe that society would want to change are terrible ways. Instead we only enforce it because after all it’s cheap. Today more and more teens from my generation are trying to eat healthier. For those of us watching what we eat, we have a very limited selection-salad. Now you have to understand salad gets very old to weight watchers and vegetarians. The fresh food part is nice but we miss the variety.
The change I would like to see at Chartwells would be for it to start making the food itself. To have cooks that know how to prepare good quality food that is healthy of people to eat. Not leftovers from lunch. I wish we had themes for each day-Italian, Mexican, Chinese, etc. This would add variety to our meals as well as introduce people to foods they may otherwise never eat. When I asked another person who eats at Chartwells she says that she doesn’t like the taste of the food. “It’s over cooked, undercooked, and just crappy half the time.”
Other people on campus may think it’s the best part of their day, getting to eat Chartwells food. Yet to me it’s the least favorite part. We’ve put moves forward to try and change the food that we are served but the process is slow and will most likely be ignored. So what does one have to do to get good food? What would happen if we started cooking are own food? In our society people are getting worse; does no one see the changes? Or are we to ignorant in are ways, to stuck and lazy to want to change them. I hope that one day are society will be able to change its ways before it ends up like all the people in Wall-E. That would be a very sad day.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Haiti Aid

On Monday the US military informed the press that the bottleneck aid distribution in Haiti was easing, despite police cries for help against looting in the city. They also stated that with the increase of flights into Haiti’s airport the seaports are expected to reopen as well. Since the storm, roughly 100 flights are landing their daily. This number as increased from 60 from the week before. The U.N. and U.S. officials agreed on a grant for humanitarian flights as well because of criticism saying the military were usually first in line. Doctors Without Borders complained recently as well stating that planes full of doctors and supplies had to land in Dominican Republic and travel by road. This put a stall on any care that was needed in Haiti by two days.
I believe that it is difficult in relief situations on “who comes first.” Even though people were upset with the military having first flying rights, it’s important that they are able to land in the heart of the chaos. I do not believe however that the doctors should have to land in a different country and travel to their patients. This delays medicine and supplies that could save someone’s life. I believe that even though it is important for the Military to land in the country it is even more important for the doctors to do so. I find it interesting that the government didn’t do something about this if they are now having 100 flights a day coming into the country.


Thursday, January 14, 2010