Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Book Review-Raquel Welch: Beyond the Clevege

This is Jo Raquel Tejada. Also known as Raquel Welch. All of her life she has lived behind her big hair, makeup, high heals and clevege.
In Miss Raquels new book "beyond the clevege" she explains to the world what its like to live beyond the beauty and the kind of life a movie star leads with two children breaking into the business.

The book is fabulous becuase it explains all of her highs and lows. It sheds light onto her struggles with life and the hardest choices she ever made.

I recomend people read the book because it gives people another look at movie stars. She is one of the oldest and truley beautiful people of her generation that still shines through. She worked for her money and nothing was ever handed to her. She is not like the other so called "celeberties" that roam hollywood these days. She is a true hollywood star.

This video of Miss Raquel was taken shortly after her film of 100 BC left theaters. At this time she was 20 years old, a single mother with 2 kids, and no money in her pocket. She is now 70 years old and looks 50.
She came from nothing to achieve everything. That is what makes her and her book so worth reading.

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