Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Momma

For many of the people who watch the Super Bowl, it’s all about the football. Yet for many others like me, we watch for the half time and the commercials. My favorite commercial this year was the one with the little boy and the boyfriend. I thought that this commercial was very well written to get the audience’s attention. It keeps the men involved tuned with the beautiful women that comes in right away. Then it keeps it connected to the screen as you watch her walk away and you wonder were the scene is going to go. Unexpected to a lot of us her five year old son slaps the boyfriend and puts him in his place. "Don't touch my momma and don't touch my Doritos." This line made me laugh and made me remember this commercial out of all the rest. Then to top it off you hear the mother ask if Jaylen is "playing nice." That last line was the sinker for me because it made the 30 second blip that much funnier. I believed that this was a great advertising campaign for the product and that id made a lasting impression this year during the Super Bowl.

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