Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Energy Drinks

When it comes to students and their drinks, we get whatever we can to stay awake and keep ourselves on top of our game for class, dates, and homework. For some people coffee doesn’t kick in fast enough or last long enough so they have turned to energy drinks. One of the most popular of these is the drink called "Rock Star" that was introduced about 4 years ago. Since then it has landed in vending machines and schools all over the country. Many energy drinks have a very high percentage of carbohydrates that can make it more difficult for food and nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines. In some cases, gastrointestinal problems and distress are a possibility. This side effect is one reason why these energy drinks are not as good for athletes as they are purported to be.
For people like me who have "heart murmurs" coffee, pop, and energy drinks are things that affect my heart greatly. When you take products like this it causes your body to speed up and pump the blood faster through your body in an unnatural way. This can cause serious health problems.
When an energy drink has a high sugar content, it can have a laxative effect, as well as causing a sudden "crash" when the sugar leaves the bloodstream and the energy high disappears. Clearly, the energy-producing ingredients in the energy drinks result in a desired effect: a stimulation of the nervous system that can also cause changes in neurotransmitters, making people feel more energized. However, if caffeine is the ingredient primarily responsible for creating this energy high, drinkers should be aware that high levels of caffeine can have both laxative and diuretic effects. There are even things in the drinks that boost your immune system, improve memory, burn fats, and calm the body at the same time. All of this is done unnaturally and can be very harmful to the body.
So if we know that energy drinks cause all these bad symptoms then why do we take them? Why do we always seem to be attacked to that which is the worst for us? People have even posted questions on the web about the effects of drinking 5 and in an hour. In a YouTube video with Dr Whiting he talks about the effects of energy drinks. If you search through YouTube you start to see all the bad videos about these drinks. The more you learn about it the more you see the side effects. So this once again makes me ask why? Why would you put this into your body? To me, it’s only about a step away from doing drugs.

1 comment:

  1. I agree and disagree. You do make a good point. I'm not a huge fan of energy drinks although if I have a big project due and need to stay up I fall into the "whatever I can take to stay awake" category. But, in posing a question like this it might be fair to ask why we all put alcohol into our systems? I dunno just a thought.
