Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Dead Bill

In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Ellis Henican interviewed Joe Biden about the "dead" health care plan. During every question Biden cut off Henican or started to move on to a different topic every time he started to feel trapped. He even said the world Nimrod and that he would even throw Ellis under the bus. During his next interview with two women, Margaret Hoover and . I believe that he was a complete idiot on TV he sounded very up professional and diffidently not like the Vic President of the United States. He sounded like a school boy who was sitting in the principal’s office denying everything bad that he did at recess. He covered everything tonight, things from the death of a trainer at sea world, to tiger words, to the bill. May I please say again that he sounds sooooo stupid! I cannot believe we voted him as are vice president.

Three men were killed by a man named Ramos in San Francisco and Biden had the nerve to say that it was ok that bill was dropped and stopped himself from saying Bulls***. Now that pot is legal in California Biden decided to cover that issue as well. He even said that if people on the news came in high we would have no anchors. He did not make a good impression to me so I can’t imagine he did on many Americans tonight.

Yet the part that leaves me the most upset from tonight’s talks and the meeting with congress today is the comment Obama made if we don’t agree on this bill we will just have to live with the choices that are made for us. WTF!? What happened to freedom of rights?

Why did we vote these people in to office? The brits say god help the queen….I say god help the Americans!

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