Tuesday, April 27, 2010


My computer always opens MSN when I open my internet and these two articals have come up the last few times and caught my attention. I really liked them so i thought id share.

This one is about Nohas Arc

This one is about Steven Hawkings

Dead Week

Even though we are in "dead week," i know of three students who have tests this week regardless of the ideas behind the week.

Many students have become upset with their teachers because they are angry at their students for doing so bad on tests and the things that take place during finals week.

The point of dead week is to not have any homework and to study for exams. These exams are the things we have been working for all year and it seems that we don't have time to study for them with the quiz's and other homework we get assigned during this time.

I also know of plenty of students who's teachers cancel class for the week so that there students can study.

Dead week is for studying. Not for homework. If this is not what teachers are going by then we might as well move finals week up and get done a week early.

These are the things that people said to me while i sat in the cafeteria and talked to them about there finals. Hopefully the teachers will listen to there students eventually and change up some of there habits. Dead week...please be a good one!


Sorry for the lateness on my video!

Had problems with my computer earlier

Also sorry bout the face! lol

Thursday, April 22, 2010


For one of my classes this week, my teacher decided that we all needed to watch the movie "Memento." Mind you, this movie is played backwards so it took me awhile to understand everything.
Needless to say, the main character, Lenoard, has a memory problem. His wife was raped and murdered and in his attempt to save her was hit on the head, loosing his short term memory. Everything starts with a scene, and then plays what has happened before it. This way you see the effects of things but it keeps you surprised. So far you know who killed his wife, but not how he got there, what the facts are or how things have unfolded to bring him to the killer.
Ill finish the movie tomorrow and i want to tell you all about it but know its better seen then explained.

I hope you see this movie

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Book Review-Raquel Welch: Beyond the Clevege

This is Jo Raquel Tejada. Also known as Raquel Welch. All of her life she has lived behind her big hair, makeup, high heals and clevege.
In Miss Raquels new book "beyond the clevege" she explains to the world what its like to live beyond the beauty and the kind of life a movie star leads with two children breaking into the business.

The book is fabulous becuase it explains all of her highs and lows. It sheds light onto her struggles with life and the hardest choices she ever made.

I recomend people read the book because it gives people another look at movie stars. She is one of the oldest and truley beautiful people of her generation that still shines through. She worked for her money and nothing was ever handed to her. She is not like the other so called "celeberties" that roam hollywood these days. She is a true hollywood star.

This video of Miss Raquel was taken shortly after her film of 100 BC left theaters. At this time she was 20 years old, a single mother with 2 kids, and no money in her pocket. She is now 70 years old and looks 50.
She came from nothing to achieve everything. That is what makes her and her book so worth reading.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tom (Final)

Ever since I was a child, my father and my grandfather have always been like superman. I never once saw them cry, fall down and rock themselves, or beg for the mothers. Instead I saw them yell profanity, put duck tap on something or simply “power through.”

When my sister came back for her spring break she told me something that I never really thought I would hear. “Grandpa Tom has cancer,” she said almost without flinching. She had time to absorb the information before she told me and it was more of a kick in the face then anything. To me I could help but start to cry. My grandfather and I have always been close, I know he’s only human, but when you’re a child, they really are Superman.

This past weekend I decided to come home and see my family. Sitting there with my family I realized for the first time what it meant to cherish loved ones. When I was 14 my mother was diagnosed with MS or Multiple Sclerosis. Back then I knew my mother would be ok. Growing up I had seen her fall to pieces, call her own mother for advice and weep when the tears needed to fall. I knew that she was only human. Five years later I can say that my mother is MS free and helping other MS people as well. Yet that was the difference.

As I sat with my parents and grandparents, I couldn’t help but look at Tom and see the fear on his face. To see a man of that stature and grace seem too small and frail really took me back. It was at this moment that I started to question the concepts of maturity that girls and boys face when growing up. My mother let me cry when I needed to when I was young. My father however would tell me never to cry because it makes you look weak. Men it seems grow up with the mindset that babies cry, not boys, not men. Women however cry in movies, books, songs, etc. So I couldn’t help but see the correlation between it all when watching my grandfather sit there.

All of my life Tom has been that echo in the back of my head telling me to do better be better, and act stronger. Just like my father, Tom was the male figure who reminded me that life is only so long, that one day all of this will be lost forever. I know he told me that a hundred times, but as he sat there knowing that he was now a number like all the other cancer patients of the world, I’m not sure he believed his own logic.

As I hugged my grandparent’s goodbye after dinner that night, my heart sank a little. I know Tom will fight for his life to the very end. He’s been fighting for things harder than anyone I know. Yet I know, like most people, most humans, we can only fight so long.

Since I heard the news I’ve done my best to ask how he’s doing every day. I am not by any means giving up on Tom, because I know he has yet to give up on himself. I just know that if one day the fight gives out on him the world will be a little less bright.

To each lesson we are faced with, we are to learn. Through each of our heartache, we are to love, with each death we are to live.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I never understood the concept of Prom. To me, it was just one more excuse to find an acceptable place to grind your butt on however many men you can find. And vise-verse. I was never a fan of homecoming or winter ball but the rest of the world seemed to love them. I always found it funny how you get all dolled up in your new dress and shoes. Eat a nice dinner with friends or a date. And hug your parents goodbye as you head off for the dance. Only to come back a hot mess.

As prom gets closer for my high school I can only laugh at all of my guy friends who say they would rather die then go to prom or another dance. I cant really blame them. One of my best friends who is a senior this year asked if I would go to prom with him. I just looked at him and laughed. No i said. I would be fine not experiencing hell again.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Weapons of Mass Distruction

President Barack Obama's pledge to one day rid the world of nuclear weapons runs up against global realities this week when representatives from 47 countries try to craft an agreement on keeping nuclear weapons out of terrorist hands.

As much of the world knows Iran and North Korea are not allowed to build WMD as agreed under Bushes presidency. Yet Iran's perceived attempts to build a nuclear weapon in violation of the global Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, and North Korea's nuclear weapons stockpile and exports of nuclear materials and technology has become a red flag for the United Sates.

The President has promised many things during his term and people are starting to question him. I am curious as to how he plans to hold the promise to stop the production of nuclear weapons when many others before him have tried and failed.

Obama invited the swarm of world leaders as an important step to intensify global focus on one of the most serious nuclear threats: a world in which non-state actors, like the al-Qaida terrorist organizations, obtain nuclear materials.

If Obama wants to change the threat of weapons he needs to find out who is selling them the materials or where they are getting any of there supplies from and shut down the trade. Are military can go in time and time again but unless they find the real problem, it will only keep getting bigger.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Oldies-Three Dog Night

Growing up my family has always been about sharing the past with the present. If you were to turn on 98.9 or any other "Oldies" radio station, I'm positive that i would know the words to every song and who sings it. Because of this exposure to oldies music from my parents i was so excited when "Three Dog Night" came to Grand Island.
The concert was so good, and they sounded amazing. One of the lead singers stopped at one point at told the audience that this was the first time that all of them had been together on the same stage in over 40 years. They played there popular music and some of the songs that were never released. The concert was perfect except for one small thing. The audience.

Granted i knew going to it that i was going to be one of the youngest people there but i had no idea that "older folks" could get so...nasty. I have never seen old people dumb and grind, or that many at one place. It was very disturbing.

Yet besides the crazy messy dancing, flying beer, and screaming, that concert was very well put together. They played the music and entertained the audience like they would have back in the prime (the 60-70s).

They are the kind of band that's music will forever live through history as "rememberal" tunes. Songs like "One, Black and White, Momma told me not to come, Never been to Spain, and An old fashioned love song."

If you don't know there music, take the time to go back through history and understand why they made that older generation feel like they were back in the 70s.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


When you sit alone, you begin to hear the things that you other wise wouldn't have listened to. Its in those moments that i am able to really look at myself and reflect on who i am. When i sit alone the voices of intuition, doubt, and hope come forward. Its an interesting thing really.
Ever since i came to school Ive been amazed at how many people don't listen to the voices of intuition and instead turn to other people. If you really want the answers to your personal question turn inward and look and you'll be amazed at how you know the right answers.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter-Final Draft

When it comes to Holidays people seem to have no problem celebrating them no matter what religion they are. As Easter Sunday came and went, I decided it was time to ask my own mother about the concept of Easter and the ideas behind religion. For my family, being Catholic, I never branched off into exploring the ideas and concepts behind other religions. You forget sometimes that people don’t view the world the same way as you.
Easter Sunday represents the foundational claim of Christian faith, the highest day of the Christian year as celebration of Jesus' resurrection. But many Christians are unsure what the claim that Jesus had been raised to new life after being crucified actually means—while non-Christians often find the whole idea of resurrection bemusing and even ridiculous.
Yet how can people not find the Easter holiday ridiculous. Where on earth did the idea of a Bunny delivering eggs come from?? Chickens lay eggs not bunnies. Yet like most holidays, some happy go lucky character delivers presents to the children of the earth and they wake up to find colored eggs hidden around there home. Along with those beautiful eggs are chocolate bunnies, peeps, and other crazy assortments. So like I said before how can it not be considered ridiculous?
I will admit, this Easter, once again, my mother woke me up and told me the Easter bunny had come to our house. I really did wonder how much longer I could get her to do that. I looked around the house, found my eggs, and ate the breakfast she made for me. Yet as I sat and talked with my parents I realized that all my life that was how it had been. Easter consisted of candy. Growing up no one ever sat down and explained the concept behind Easter, so like me, thousands of other children woke up Easter morning and went searching. Not for the truth but for eggs. I wonder if they too will one day question the fundamentals of Easter and the world like I have so many times over.